Friday, March 4, 2011

Hair Space Violation

I am pissed ya'll. Like seriously, PISSED!!!! Why do STRANGERS feel it is OK to touch your Natural Hair!!! Why do these people feel it is not a problem to just walk up to you and touch your hair??? Do they think that our hair is not a part of us? It's just as bad as walking up to a pregnant woman and rubbing her belly w/o her permission.

Ok ya'll so today, I am at my volunteer job at the Thrift Store, giving greetings to my co-volunteers and out of nowhere, one of the ladies while complementing me on my hair style of the day (yeah I switch it up daily LOL) decides she wanted to pat my hair. Because she is an older woman, I let it slide, tho I did the snake move so her hands only got to feel the softness that is my hair for a split second. People we work in an environment where your hands are touching other folks used garments and what-not. The germs from touching these items, SHOULD NOT BE PASSED IN MY HAIR!!!

I decided to write a few rules for those who are known Hair Space Violators and the Illegal questions asked:

1. I have a faux fro hawk, so patting it down when I fluff it out is a federal offense. It is look it up!
2. I love compliments, but don't use that as a buffer to get close to touch the hair. Again it violates several federal laws!
3. Asking if an afro is real is another violation and could lead to an arrest and 30 days in jail. I would avoid this at all costs.
4. Telling someone that they must be mixed if their curls are a bit looser or their texture is a bit finer will land you in solitary confinement. You will get no court case, no jury will listen to your side. Scary. I don't make these rules up people.
5. Asking someone "how your hair curl up like that" will get you admitted to the psych ward under serious supervision and continuous testing of your brain. Clearly something is amiss if you don't know there are a million gazillion textures of hair and everyone's curls up like something.

Remember violating anyone's personal space is offensive and rude. Don't be a Hair Space Violator!
Or Face The Consequences of your actions!!


  1. Girrrrrrrrl ... I sooooo feel you on this one. I am the same way. Only my older daughter and maybe the hair dresser (if I go) are allowed to touch my hair. I don't even let my younger daughter touch my hair for the simple fact she is too rough and likes to drag her hand through my hair. Pfffft..... if that's how I feel about my own daughter, you can imagine how I feel about strangers.. LMAO.

    P.S. I want that "Don't touch my hair" t-shirt.. lol

  2. omg you r so right i hate when ppl ask what im mixed with im like ummmmmm im just black!!! i agree to all of these rules and im gonna have to show them to some ppl.
